Complete the personality assessment found at the link below. Describe what you found out about yourself. Please write about each of the questions below. Your journal should be in paragraph form, not bullet points. You must include the results of your Myers-Briggs assessment, and your entry must be at least 250 words long. There are no right or wrong answers, but it is worth 20 points. Please edit your work for spelling, grammar, and punctuation to receive full points.
Does it fit you or do you disagree?
What sort of work atmosphere would you be best in, given the results of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator?
Does it fit with your ultimate work goals and if so, in what way?
What motivates you?
What do you think is the professor’s MBTI based on the design of the course and your interactions thus far? (No worries if you don't know your instructor well. This question was created to have you explore the personality types further and see how close you can get to guessing your instructor's type, from interactions you have had in this course.)
Any other observations or thoughts?