
Answer :


You should know the name of Homer. Not The Simpsons dad, but a famous poet from Ancient Greece. He wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, epic stories about war heroes, gods, and the beautiful women for whom they fought. Even if you haven't read his poetry, you might already be familiar with the stories - the Trojan horse, Achilles' tendon, and the beauty of Helen.

English translations of Homer's epic are dense. In Black Ships Before Troy, young adult author and historian Rosemary Sutcliff translates Homer's Iliad for a modern audience. Sutcliff's illustrated book is written for middle school readers.

Like the Iliad, Black Ships recounts the story of the Trojan War, the fight over Helen, the Spartan invasion of Troy, and the eventual fall of Troy. Homer's story is considered a myth and work of epic poetry because it includes the intervention and the lives of gods. However, the Trojan War is a historical event that took place in the 12th century B.C. Let's now take a look at the cast of characters, which includes both gods and men vying for control and power.
