Answer :
Larger displays
More powerful
Has a keyboard, you do not lose screen estate when typing.
Ranges from a notebook sized or even a UMPC, to a gigantic laptop, huge Selection
Looks more professional on usage
Moddable to an extent
A lot of peripherals
Pricier comparing to smartphones of the same segments
Rather heavy.
Have generally shorter battery life compared to Smartphones
No always connected models, if there are, they are Really rare.
Has to be connected to WiFi to use full capabilities
Can be clumsy some times due to build
Not that sturdy…
Has to carry a charger with you at all times. And a mouse… (and a portable router. Typically your smartphone)
Compact compared to Laptops
Fairly long battery life for their size
Always connected to internet. Does not necessarily require WiFi (although it’s a nice touch)
Can protect with cases. (No such thing for a laptop)
Touch based, No mouse required, Some models allow Stylus usage.
Easily Storable. (Pockets)
Fast charging
Less convenient
Smaller display
Screen estate lost when typing
Less Peripherals (2 if you are lucky, one if you aren’t)
Less Professional looking when used
Might not have the apps you may need
Performance wise Weaker. (The A12 chip of Apple is miles behind Xeon series, or the i7 8th Gen. by Intel)
Not much storage… (just now we arrived 1TB storage on a phone, laptops can easily reach 8 TB and more)
Easily lost.
Easily stolen
Might be distracted by calls.
For studies and work it's preffered to have a laptop