
Create the arrays and assign randomized values for each element in the array. The randomized values should range from 1 to twice the size of the array. For example, for an array of 200, assign random values between 1 and 400. Use a constant for the size of the array. Edit the value of the constant in different runs of the program to account for the various array sizes.

Answer :


In Java:

import java.util.Random;

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

      final int arrsize = 10;

     Random rd = new Random();

     int[] arr = new int[arrsize];

     for (int kount = 0; kount < arrsize; kount++) {

        arr[kount] = rd.nextInt(arrsize*2-1) + 1;

        System.out.print(arr[kount]+" ");      }   }}


This declares the array size as a constant integer

      final int arrsize = 10;

This creates a Random object

     Random rd = new Random();

This declares an array of arrsize size

     int[] arr = new int[arrsize];

This iterates through the array

     for (int kount = 0; kount < arrsize; kount++) {

This generates the random values between 1 and arrsize * 2

        arr[kount] = rd.nextInt(arrsize*2-1) + 1;

This prints the elements of the array

        System.out.print(arr[kount]+" ");      }