Answer :
Hope this helps! Please mark me brainliest!!!
Seizure are very common with drug use
Addiction can cause cracks in friendship, it's not "cool"
You can get someone struggling help. It's never too late
Never touch a suspicious substance, even with assurances that it's safe
Overdose is one of the leading cause of accidental death in the US
Talk to an adult if you see any suspicious activity.They are here to help!
Open your eyes and ears. Educate, educate, and educate! This is important
Drugs can cause a toll on your physical AND mental health
Relaspe can happen. Show that things can be okay and get them help.
Use hotlines if necessary and report. They are here to help!
Getting help doesn't make you weak.You beat addiction and that's strength!
Stay safe and SAY NO TO DRUGS!