Read the following business-writing scenario. Then use what Chapter 5 says about choosing appropriate words to answer the questions that follow.
As your graduation approaches, you are doing all you can to prepare yourself for a marketing position in the healthcare industry. Toward that end, you landed an internship with the Metropolitan Health Center, a children's clinic located in the poorest neighborhood of your city. Like many others who work there, you are donating your time to the center—but you feel you are well paid in terms of the experience you're gaining and the good you're doing for disadvantaged families.
Recently you helped Dr. Todd Martin, the center's director, and Janet Arujo, the center's office manager, launch this year's fundraising campaign for the center. Now the donations are beginning to come in, and the donors deserve a nice thank-you letter. Ms. Arujo invites you to try your hand at a form letter that will acknowledge each donor's contribution and make the donor feel good about helping the center. Use what you've learned about selecting the best wording to write a letter that will impress your bosses and make the donors feel appreciated.
We treat a wide range of illnesses—from the common cold to strep throat to whooping cough.
We treat a wide range of illnesses—from the rhinovirus to group A streptococcal disease to pertussis.
The illnesses that are treated range from the common cold to strep throat to whooping cough.
Our treatments cover the whole nine yards—from the common cold to strep throat to whooping cough.
A wide range of illnesses—from the common cold to strep throat to whooping cough—is treated.