
Do you remember the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood? In this story, the Big Bad Wolf plays a terrible trick on Little Red Riding Hood by dressing up as her sick Grandma and waiting for her to come visit.

What other stories can you think of where a character plays a trick on another character? Maybe a trick happened in a book or short story you have read or in a t.v. show or movie. In the space below, name or describe the story, and explain the trick that was played.

Answer :

If you've watched Thor, you would probably know of the character Loki, he's not really good, but not bad at the same time. He's known as the God of pranking or lies. He often tricks Thor by changing his appearance so Thor is always throwing things at him to make sure he's real or not.

Don't know if this is what your asking for, but good luck!

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