
The notice below was posted by Florida Americorps.

May 8, 2014: Governor Announces a Disaster Fund for Floridians Affected by FloodingThe company, Florida Americorps, will coordinate the volunteers and donations in the disaster. They urge all Floridians to serve their local community. They raise funds to aid the Commission in accomplishing its goals of meeting human needs in Florida. They are guided by a voluntary Board of Directors.

What is an appropriate private community service project that responsible citizens might undertake in response to this notice?

A. organize a 10K bike race for breast cancer
B.establish a book club at the local high school
C. help repair a nursing home that has been flooded
D.take senior citizens to a Miami Heat basketball game

The Notice Below Was Posted By Florida Americorps May 8 2014 Governor Announces A Disaster Fund For Floridians Affected By FloodingThe Company Florida Americorp class=