
Write a function named word_beginnings that has two parameters line a string ch a character Return a count of words in line that start with ch. For the purposes of this exercise a word is preceeded by a space. Hint: add a space to the beginning of line For example if line is 'row row row your raft' and ch is 'r' the value 4 will be returned. Note: You can use lists in this question but try to solve it without lists.

Answer :


The function in Python is as follows:

def word_beginnings(line, ch):

   count = 0

   lines =line.split(" ")

   for word in lines:

       if word[0] == ch:


   return count


This defines the function

def word_beginnings(line, ch):

This initializes count to 0

   count = 0

This splits line into several words

   lines =line.split(" ")

This iterates through each word

   for word in lines:

This checks if the first letter of each word is ch

       if word[0] == ch:

If yes, increment count by 1


Return count

   return count

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