Answer :
Once upon a time in the lad of Tabuluka, there was a boy named Songa. Songa was well behaved and was of transparent honesty. He had a great problem, in that he was an orphan, having lost his father three months before he was born, and the mother six months after he was born. He had faced the problem of lack of care. He withdrew from school at the age of seven when there was nobody to sponsor his education any longer. He had no alternative than to seek for a menial job. He secured a job as a messenger to the king of Tabuluka.
He was diligent in the discharge of his duty to the king. Unlike the rest of the messengers, he was very trustworthy and an embodiment of honesty. To crown it all, he was very handsome but remained very poor. The only solace he had was that he was very much admired by the king and the queen. After working with the king for twenty-five years he was faced with the greatest temptation of his life. By this time he was fully grown up and had learnt a lot through the king’s high chiefs who formed the cabinet. Indeed, it was a monarchy, that is, a government headed by the king. He was sufficiently lettered and could communicate in the language of administration. He had undergone various diplomatic courses. He had been promoted from a messenger to the position of the king’s protocol officer. The promotion was rather very fast considering his background