Answer :
Dear Editor.
My name is Asmita and I'm a Modern Public School student, Anna Nagar. I decided to write this letter to ask for your help to publicize a problem that has occurred with all students and staff at my school and that needs to be resolved urgently.
My school is located on a very busy street that has a constant passage of vehicles. The problem is that this street does not have any traffic signs, does not have traffic lights and not even a crosswalk, which means that, even in a school area, vehicles pass at high speed and without worrying about the passage of students and employees.
As you can see, this is a very dangerous environment for everyone, which can cause a series of serious and even fatal accidents. We need the government agency responsible for the traffic of the city to take measures and implement signs, traffic lights and crosswalk to ensure the safety of all who attend my school and even the drivers who pass this street and pedestrians.
That said, I would like to thank you for your time and your help in resolving this case.