
This photograph was taken in Germany in June 1945:

A black and white photo shows three young people, possibly teenagers, leaning out of the window of what appears to be a train car. Two girls are smiling. They are wearing clean dresses. The girl on the right holds a flag that has two stripes on the top and bottom and a Star of David between the stripes. A teenaged boy peers between the girls faces with a slight smile on his face.
© 2012 Associated Press

Based on the image and your knowledge of history, with which post World War II movement would these young people be associated? (6 points)

the movement to transfer Polish land to Holocaust survivors

the movement to create Jewish communities in the United States

the movement to gain women's suffrage in Europe

the movement to establish a Jewish state in the Middle East

Answer :



It is D


The answer is "D."


After the war, countries primarily consisting of the United States wanted to create a country for Jewish people to reside in to have their rights protected. This image represents this occurring.