When ir + a is followed by the definite article el, a + el combines to form al:
(vamos a) + (el parque) = Vamos al parque.
D. Complete each sentence by writing a form of ir + al or a la. Remember to use al
when the noun after the write-on line is masculine. Use a la when the noun is feminine.
Follow the models.
Modelos Ellos
van al
Ellos van a la oficina.
Be sure not to capitalize. If you need to look at the 4A vocab to see if the places are
masculine or feminine: Page 194 -- 4A Vocab-3.pdf.
1. Cristina y María ———— café.
2. Tú———-playa.
3. Nosotros————parque.
4. Usted—————campo.
5. Yo————- piscina.
6. Silvia———— casa.