
The reason for using 1-propanol as the solvent of choice for recrystallization is that triphenylphosphine oxide is more soluble in 1-propanol than the alkene product because triphenylphosphine oxide can use its oxygen to hydrogen-bond to 1-propanol, whereas the alkene has no hydrogen-bonding capability. Triphenylphosphine oxide, therefore, is removed based on its polarity and H-bonding ability.

a. True
b. False

Answer :




Hydrogen bonding is a bond that exists between hydrogen and a highly electronegative element such as oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine etc.

The greater solubility of the triphenylphosphine oxide owes to the hydrogen bonded interaction between it and the 1-propanol.

The alkene lacks such hydrogen bonded interaction because it does not have a highly electronegative atom in its structure.

Hence, triphenylphosphine oxide is removed based on its polarity and hydrogen bonding ability.