
Answer :


Everyone wants to be on track and in a schedule. Timing is very important not just for social groups but for just about anything in the real world.



. Student’s Guide toSocial Group WorkWhere there is a little common interest and activity, kindness grows like weeds by the roadside. Compiled by S.Rengasamy Draft I Copy

2. S.Rengasamy - Understanding Social Group Work SkillsThe material for this compilation is taken from several sourcesDr. Vera Mehta’s “Social Group Work” in Encyclopedia of Social Work in India (I968)Social Work with groups -WikipediaH Y Siddique Group Work: Theories and Practices: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri LankaThe Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Inc. (AASWG)and several other web sources 2

3. S.Rengasamy - Understanding Social Group Work SkillsIt is usually easier to change individuals formed into a group than to change any one of them separately - Kurt Lewin 3