
HELLLPPPPPP i am doing British grenadiers
For this assignment, you will be finding 3 dynamics in your Solo music. You will need to tell me what measure each dynamic is in and define each dynamic you find. (If you go to "Solo Schedule" on Modules, on Slide 19 & 20, you can find examples of dynamics you can find in your sheet music.)

Your submission will be a text submission and needs to be 3-5 sentences long. (It is ok if you find two of the same dynamic, just make sure you tell me which measures you found both in.)

Written below is each Solo Choice and the number of possible dynamics you could find in it:

If- 11 ( "rit." does not count )

Sandman-10 (in voice part)

L’il Liza Jane-4

Ma Bella Bimba- 7

Red river-8, ("rit." does not count)

Come Sail Away With Me- 3 ("poco rit." does not count )

Gallant Knight-6 (in voice part)

British Grenadiers-5

Answer :


Dynamic marking and meaning

Dynamic marking Meaning

pp Pianissimo: very quiet

p Piano: quiet

ff Fortissimo: very loud

f Forte: loud
