
As the lock for the door opens you enter another room. This one has plain cement walls with huge silver and copper pipes running from floor to ceiling. The room reminds you of a basement mechanical room even though you have just gone upstairs. Everywhere there are old wooden crates and piles of gears of all sizes, springs, gages and the hands of old clocks. As you gaze around the door you just entered closes and will not open. (and even if it would you are not sure of what has happened to the Antique Dealer and maybe there is some danger that way.) Someone in the group checks their phone but there'is no signal. Maybe all this cement and metal is blocking your signal. Next to another door is an interesting framed collage made of miscellaneous gears and pieces.​

Answer :

A safe room can be the difference between life and death during a home invasion. While a home security system is extremely important for immediately contacting law enforcement, a safe place for anyone inside to wait for the police is necessary. It can always be a great place to store valuables that you do not regularly use, like having

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