
anyone know how to make a peel off face mask with out glue of jelo. can i make one with a glue stick or know how to make one to get soft skin, plzz help ;((

Answer :


i don't recommend peel off face masks ever, but you should use a hydrating cleanser like the hydrating cleanser by cerave to get soft skin. also use a moisterizer like the daily moisterizer by cerave. they're both really god, and can get you soft skin



the recipe I do which is all natural.


Lemon juice(do not use if you get red rashes and stuff if you put lemon to your skin)

Yogurt(plain flavor, no flavors like strawberry)

Egg White(do not include egg yolk)

Kitchen papers(cut them in steps)

Makeup brush(recommend cheap ones or old ones which you don't use anymore)


1. Mix lemon juice, yogurt, egg white together. You can also put it in a bottle and shake it if you don't want any washing.

2. Get the kitchen paper strips and put it so it covers your face. MAKE SURE NOT TO PUT THE STRIPS OVER YOUR MOUTH, EYE, AND NOSE.

3. Use the makeup brush to put the liquid you made in step 1, put it all over the strips. Make sure not to put it too much.

4. Leave it for 5-30 minutes on your face.

5. Take the kitchen paper strips off and wash your face with water.

I do the face mask like 2-5 times a week, usually in the night.