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Can you say these sentences in another way?
E.g.: They took him to reception.
He was taken to the reception.
1. People were watching the wedding from their balconies.
2. The loud music bothered many of the guests.
3. Someone had taken away the flowers.
4. Bridesmaids sometimes catch the bouquet.
5. They will have to cut the wedding cake before 5 p.m.
6. The father of the bride knows the location of the honeymoon.​

Answer :


1. they watch the wedding from their balconies

2. the guests were bothered by the loud music

3. the flowers were taken away by someone

4. the bridesmaids caught the bouquet

5. the wedding cake will be cut before 5pm

6. the location is known by him.


1. They were watching the wedding from balconies
2. Loud music bothered the guests
3. Someone too away the flowers
4. They sometimes catch the bouquet
5. They will have to cut the cake before 5
6. He knows the location of the honeymoon