Answer :
Jon: I need to do an essay on a Bengali element of great historical importance. I don't know what I can write about, do you have any suggestions?
Mary: Sure! You can write about Bangabandhu Satelight, I just read an article about it and I can help you.
Jon: It would be great. What do you know know about that?
Mary: Well, he was Bangladesh's first satellite and to be produced and sent into space. This was a very big milestone for Bengali technology, research and science.
Jon: Has it been released yet?
Mary: Yes, it is in orbit these days. It was launched in 2018 and will stay in orbit for about 15 years. The launch was also the result of Bengali research, as it brought together several scientists and engineers to allow a 3500 kg satellite to be launched and remain active.
Jon: Can you show me the article you read? I wanted to use it as a research source.
Mary: Sure. I'll send you right now.