Answer :
Answer: Water pollution, air pollution, global warming, gender inequality, deforestation and wildlife trafficking are some of the global issues.
The following initiatives can be taken:
1. Water pollution: For water pollution the government must take initiative to restrict the discharge of wastes from industry, sewage, and household in water. This will prevent the deterioration of water quality at global level.
2. Air pollution and global warming: The release of carbon dioxide and other polluting gases must be reduced by keeping it mandatory for all vehicles to use a catalytic filter. Also the industrial chimneys must use the catalytic filters to reduce pollution and global increase in temperature.
3. Gender inequality: Women education and empowerment must be supported so that women can compete with men and excel in all fields to reduce gender based inequalities.
4. Deforestation and wildlife trafficking: Strict laws must be imposed on forest clear cutting and ill-legal trade of animal and plant products.