
Appeasement is the policy of making concessions in order to avoid a conflict. In the 1930’s it became the dominant French and British international policy toward Germany and other aggressive nations. The League of Nations had been created to peacefully resolve international disputes. However, without the United States as a member of any military force, it was ineffective at preventing belligerent nations from violating agreements.
When Italy invaded Ethiopia and Japan invaded Manchuria and China, the League could do nothing but impose economic sanctions. Adolf Hitler realized that democracies sought to avoid a confrontation and continued to test their limits. First, he remilitarized the Rhineland then turned his sights on a region of German speakers in Czechoslovakia known as the Sudetenland.
In September 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain met with Hitler in Munich to discuss his demands. The Sudetenland held most of Czechoslovakia’s border defenses, heavy industries, and banks. Without consulting Czech authorities, however, Chamberlain pledged to give Germany all the areas with a German population of more than 50%. France was persuaded to agree. Hitler then demanded all the Sudetenland and Britain and France agreed to his demands. Chamberlain returned to Great Britain claiming he had secured “peace for our time.”
Appeasement was not without its critics, however. Winston Churchill believed in a firm stand against Nazi Germany. When Germany seized the remainder of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, it was clear that appeasement had failed. Chamberlain resigned and Churchill became the new Prime Minister of Great Britain.
“When I think of those four terrible years and I think of the 7million young men who were killed, the 13 million who were maimed and mutilated… I have said before, and what I say now to all the world – in war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers. It is those thoughts which have made me feel that it was my prime duty to strain every nerve to avoid a repetition of the Great War in Europe.”
― Neville Chamberlain
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
― Winston S. Churchill

Directions: After reading about appeasement, answer the following questions.
1. What is the best definition for “belligerent” as it is used in the 1st paragraph? Highlight your answer
a. Weak
b. Hostile
c. Peaceful
d. Isolationist
2. What made the League of Nations ineffective?

3. What was Neville Chamberlain’s justification for his policy of appeasement?

4. Based on the Munich Agreement and resulting events, what adjective most likely describes Hitler’s view of Chamberlain? Highlight your answer
a. Intimidating
b. Wise
c. Gullible
d. Bold
5. Do you think Churchill’s quote accurately describes the relationship between Hitler and Chamberlain? Explain why or why not.

6. Think of a time you made a concession in order to avoid a conflict. Explain what the conflict was and why you gave in. How would the outcome be different if you had not given in?