
Answer :

Confucianism was made by Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, administrator, and moralist. His social and moral teachings were collected in the analects. He tried to replace former religious observances and there are no Gods Confucianism. He was dedicated to restoring a society broken by war, oppression, and anarchy. He believed justice, not love, should be the primary response to an enemy. And he advocated for respect and worship of ancestors to reinforce the importance of ethics in society. He also emphasized learning as the way to dissever what it is to be human.

Confucianism is the system of ethics, education, and statesmanship taught by Confucius and his disciples, stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct. It began in 6th to 5th Century BCE. Confucianism is based on the idea of 'love' and 'compassion' as two prime virtues in life. A society in which individuals place morals and virtue above everything else will surely prosper. Therefore, Confucius emphasized the importance of rituals or a code of good conduct for a society.

Taoism is different. Taoism wqs created by a person name Lao Tzu, born in 604 BC. He created Taoism as he was disappointed by the people's disinclination to cultivate natural goodness.

In Taoism, there is something called Tao. It is the way of the universe, the rhythm, the driving power in all nature, the ordering principle behind all life, Nature's order, the eternal law that structures the world. The way of human life. Living according to Tao meant to act without strain, persuade without argument, be elegant without flourish, achieve results without violence, coercion, or pressure, not being pomp and extravagant as it is silly, an not travel as it was discouraged as pointless, idle curiosity.

The difference between these two ways of life was Confucianism focused on societal rules and moral values, while Taoism advocated for simplicity and living happily while in tune with nature.

- Paraphrased/Copied from my History Teacher's Readings