Answer :
Hello. That correct question is:
Several forms of negation are given for each statement. Which are correct if any?
a. The carton is sealed or the milk is sour.
1. The milk is not sour or the carton is not sealed.
2. The carton is not sealed and also the milk is not sour. 3. If the carton is not sealed, then the milk will be sour.
b. Flowers will bloom only if it rains.
1. The flowers will bloom but it will not rain.
2. The flowers will not bloom and it will not rain.
3. The flowers will not bloom or else it will not rain.
c. If you build it, they will come.
1. If you build it, then they won’t come. 2. You don’t build it, but they do come. 3. You build it, but they don’t come.
3. If the carton is not sealed, then the milk will be sour.
2. The flowers will not bloom and it will not rain.
The letter "c" does not contain a correct answer.
The phrases presented in the question above, must be presented in their negative forms. For this, it is necessary that you look for a sentence that in a coherent and cohesive way, presents the same meaning of the original sentence, but in a negative way. Thus, we can consider that if the milk goes sour if the box is not sealed, the correct phrase would be "If the carton is not sealed, then the milk will be sour." Similarly, if the flowers only break down if it rains, it means that if it doesn't rain, there is no possibility of the flowers blooming.
Lastly, if some people will only come if you build something, if you don't build it, people will not come.