Answer :
The following code is written in Python. It continues looping and asking the user for an oligonucleotide sequence and as long as it is valid it outputs the reverse complement of the sequence. Otherwise it exits the loop
letters = {'A', 'C', 'G', 'T'}
reloop = True
while reloop:
sequence = input("Enter oligonucleotide sequence: ")
for x in sequence:
if x not in letters:
reloop = False;
if reloop == False:
newSequence = ""
for x in sequence:
if x == 'A':
newSequence += 'T'
elif x == 'T':
newSequence += 'A'
elif x == 'C':
newSequence += 'G'
elif x == 'G':
newSequence += 'C'
print("Reverse Complement: " + newSequence)