Answer :
1. Mandate.
2. Assimilation.
3. Emigrated.
4. Zionism.
5. Partition.
1. Mandate: an order putting a nation in charge of managing another nation. It's simply an official and authoritative command, order or injunction giving an individual or nation the right to take charge.
2. Assimilation: the act of becoming part of a different society. For example, the assimilation (absorption) of the Aboriginal people into a white dominated society.
3. Emigrated: left one nation for another nation. It typically involves the movement of an individual or group of people from one geographical region (location) to another geographical destination in search of better living conditions, work or social amenities.
4. Zionism: a political movement supporting the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.
5. Partition: to divide something. It simply means to divide a large portion of something into fragments or bits. For example, dividing a territory or geographical area into two or more autonomous areas.