
IR + A For places (where are we going?):
They are going to school in order to study. = ELLOS VAN A LA ESCUELA PARA ESTUDIAR.
We are going to the kitchen in order to clean the stove.
I am going to the dining room in order to eat.
You are going to the school in order to talk to friends.

IR + A For actions (what are we going to do?):
I am going to read in the bedroom. = (YO) VOY A LEER EN EL DORMITORIO.
She is going to clean the stove in the kitchen.
We are going to sleep in the bedroom.
They are going to sleep in the living room.

TENER + QUE For what we have to do:
You have to practice! = ¡TÚ TIENES QUE PRACTICAR!
We have to study!