
The scatter plot presents Ray’s monthly electricity bills and the amount of time Tay spent at home from January through August. The correlation coefficient (r) is _______. The correlation coefficient can be improved by ignoring the bill for the month of __________.

Answer :



4th data point.

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the estimated data point culled from the attached graph, the correlation Coefficient for the plotted regression data should be approximately 0.9168 which depicts that a strong positive correlation exists between the Electricity bill ($) and the time spent at home because the Coefficient obtained is very close to 1. And the measure if the strength of a relationship using the correlation Coefficient is how close the R value is to either ±1.

The electricity bill that should be ignored to improve the correlation Coefficient is the 4tg data point on the graph as it is farthest away from the regression line when compared to other points.

View image Fichoh


The correlation coefficient (r) is .91.  the correlation coefficient can be improved by ignoring the bill for the month of July

Step-by-step explanation:

View image Conniemcarrion