
En Mérida no nieva ______. No hace frío______. En Mérida ________, hace bastante calor. ______ día espero ver nieve. Me gustaría ir ________.a Chile ________ a Argentina para esquiar en las montañas. _______ pariente mío ni _______ de mis amigos conoce la nieve. Pero, antes de (before) ir a ______ montaña con nieve, necesito comprar ropa (clothes) especial. ¡No hay ______ en mi clóset para el frío!

Answer :


um heres the translation


In Merida it does not snow ______. It's not cold ______. In Mérida ________, it is quite hot. ______ day I hope to see snow. I would like to go ________. To Chile ________ to Argentina to ski in the mountains. _______ of my relatives and _______ of my friends know about snow. But, before (before) going to ______ snowy mountain, I need to buy special clothes. There is no ______ in my closet for the cold!