
Answer :

I don’t really understand the Lithuanian instructions, but here are the following groupings based on the attributes of the following Russian words

1. Transportation:
Корабль - Ship, Самолёт - Aeroplane, Поезд - Train, Автобус - Bus, Машина - Car,

2. Signage?
Аптека - Pharmacy, почта - Post Office, Парикмахерская - Hairdresser’s, Химчистка - Cleaners,

3. Furniture:
Шкаф - Cupboard, Диван - Sofa, Стул - Chair,

4. Cutlery:
Стакан - Glass (Drinkware), Чашка - Tea Cup, Блюдце - Saucer, Тарелка - Plate,

5. Premises (Home compartments):
Спальня - Bedroom, Кухня - Kitchen, Ванная - Washroom, Гостиная - Living Room

Hope it helps!