Answer :
Hi!!!! I love how excited you are and your questions are great! I will my information but you will probably still have to do some more research.
1- It really depends on what you are wanting to do with your horse, and how experienced you want your horse to be. I do eventing and my horse was older and not too advanced so he was $6,500. You can find cheaper horses that don't have a ton of experience and train them but as a beginner, I would try to find a nice gentle horse with a lot of experience.
2- My trainer found my horse for me from a family who was done riding him, here are some websites you can find horses on but please try your horse out in person before buying in because you can't always trust the internet. Dreamhorse is my favorite but there are tons so you can also look up more. If you are looking for a jumper you should always try your horse first so I wouldn't buy your horse at an auction.
3- Yes my horse did come with a dressage saddle, dressage bridle, jumping saddle, jumping bridle, halter, and shoes. Some horses do come with tack and some don't but with my horse, both saddles didn't fit so you have to make sure to check. Some horses don't come with shoes and need them especially if you do something like eventing so you will have to check with your farrier (The person who does your horse's feet).
4- It does depend on where you live, and what kind of check-up. For Coggins (papers for your horse that proves that they don't have Equine Infectious Anemia for more information on this lookup "Coggins for horses and what they are for") it costs about 20-60 dollars.
5- A farrier cost depends on what shoes you need (look up the types of shoes) and if your horse needs pads, and snow pads for the winter. it costs about $275 for a trim, all four feet with new shoes, and front feet with pads.
(this might vary from where you live)
6- I own an Appendix (which is a thoroughbred mixed with quarter horse) but he is about 90% thoroughbred.
7- Again It depends on what jumping sport you would like to do, and if you like a strong horse, a kick ride, or in-between. If you are a beginner it doesn't matter too much what breed you have just what the horse's attitude is like. Then if you get up in the levels then it is slightly more important which breed you have.
8- That is great I'm sure that your horse is going to have the best home with you!!!!! Usually, people start training young horses at the age of 4, so I would not get a horse under the age of 7. We retired our old horse at the age of 20 to go to pasters and ride every blue moon, he was an Arabian so they live longer. My horse is 17 and is still totally sound, but it does depend on their history and if they are really used. I think 13-year-olds are good for beginners but it all depends. Horses can be really expensive to feed and maintain but it is all worth it!!!!!!!!
If you want more information, love learning about horses, want some sort of scholarship you should do some research on the United States Pony Club. You can log in on their website and quiz yourself on things like bits, Types of shoes, breeds, colors, and more. Plus it's super fun! You can join a local pony club or if that's not available you can just read the books and learn how to completely take great care of your horse. I hope you enjoy horses because they are wonderful animals, you can look up different jumping sports watch videos, and figure out which one excites you more. I do eventing (you can look it up) I love it because it has three phases. One, Dressage, Two, show jumping, and Three, (my favorite) cross-country! If you are starting this sport I would I would find a trainer or someone to give you lessons, this depends on where you live but my suggestion is Laura Backus you can do your research on her just for fun or if you live close she is the best! Hope this has helped you!!
P.S this is my horse we have come a long way and are totally bonded, I don't have very many pictures of him on my computer but here's something. I love him so so so so much!!!!
Please keep in contact with me and tell me how this goes (and send me a picture of your horse when you get him\her, I would totally love to see how you do)!!!!!!!