
Sabrina has gone to work the last 50 days. On 28 of those days, she arrived before 7:30 A.M. On the rest of the days, she arrived after 7:30 A.M. What is the experimental probability that she will arrive at work before 7:30 A.M. On her next day of work? What is the experimental probability that she will arrive after 7:30 A.M.?

Answer :


Prob (Arrive before 7.30) =  14 / 25 ; Prob (Arrive after 7.30) = 11 / 25

Step-by-step explanation:

Prob (Arrive before 7.30) = No. of days before 7.30 arrival / Total work days

= 28 / 50  = 14 / 25

Prob (Arrive after 7.30) = No. of days after 7.30 arrival / Total work days

= (50 - 28) / 50 = 22 / 50 = 11 / 25

or , 1 - Prob (Arrive before 7.30) = 1 - 14/25 = (25 - 11) / 25 = 11/ 25