
To recap: Demonstrative adjectives appear before a NOUN and they agree in gender [feminine or masculine] and in number [singular or plural]. They are

Adjectives: este - esta ese - esa aquel - aquella
estos - estas esos - esas aquellos - aquellas

Demonstrative pronouns take the place of a noun and they also agree in gender [feminine or masculine] and in number [singular or plural]. They are

Pronouns: éste - ésta ése - ésa aquél - aquélla
Éstos - éstas ésos - ésas aquéllos - aquéllas

Write the appropriate demonstrative adjective in Spanish. [10 points]

16. This towel _______________________________________________

17. Those girls _______________________________________________

18. That toothbrush _______________________________________________

19. This toothpaste _______________________________________________

20. That soap [far away] ______________________________________________

Answer :

16. Esa toalla
17. Esas niñas
18. Ese cepillo de dientes
19. Esta pasta dental
20. Ese jabón

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