What is the best estimate of the correlation coefficient for the data set?

The best estimate of the correlation coefficient for the data set is 0.5.
So, option c is the correct answer.
The correlation coefficient is a measure of how similar two datasets are acting.
The range of correlation coefficient is [-1, 1]
When the correlation coefficient comes out as -1, it means that both the datasets are negatively oppositely correlated. One data increases, and other data starts to decrease in the opposite direction.
When the correlation coefficient comes out below 0, values are negatively correlated.
If the correlation coefficient comes out as 0, that means both the data sets are uncorrelated with respect to how we compare them.
When the correlation coefficient comes out > 0, that means both datasets' values are positively correlated.
If the correlation coefficient comes out as 1, then the values grow exactly similarly, in the same direction.
The best estimate of the correlation coefficient for the data set is 0.5.
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