I need someone to use a book you’ve read and fill the things in please

Answer: I used Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty
12.I think the author wrote this story out of love and compassion for the Biltmore estate.
13.If I were the author I would not have ended the book a different way because I think the ending ties perfectly with the beginning of the sequel Serifina and the twisted staff.
14.Serifina’s actions affect other people in the story like Brandon to act more loving and kinda “flirty” when she’s around. Not to mention that because Seridina’s father knotes about her hunting rats and demons her father can’t help but feel proud yet worried The same goes with mr. Vanderbilt.
15.I wonder if Rowena is really as evil and dominating inside as she is left out to be along the whole series.