
Answer :



OH NO! I have just been shot in this terrible, dreadful war. My stomach is bleeding, there are a plethora of colours leeking out of my side. But the smell, oh my gosh the smell is wretched. I ran behind this rock after getting shot because I am physically unable to move very much. I am taking the time to write this letter in case someone does not know what it's like being shot. It does not feel good. My vision is getting blurry now, goi-------

I satisfy my physiological needs by cranking GH with a test* base, as well as selective androgen receptor modulators, so I can maximize my 5-alpha reduction. This may cause future hair loss, which segues me into my next idea  of how I maintain my self-asteem and belonginess. I truly feel that no one else's opinion of my looks or actions matters. At the end of the day, I am truly alone. But that's okay because it's all I've got and life goes on. I don't know what self-actualization means, but I think I represent it well, if not, no one knows what it means so it doesn't matter anyways. In terms of my safety, I think live fast and die young, because bad girls do it well. I don't see the point in living in pain and suffering to a long extent, so when I become bored and unable to find any sort of happiness, I'll accept that my life has been lived.

*free testosterone

I do my best when: my stomach is not hanging out of my body.