The correction to the code is as follows:
order_1 = ("Lee",0,2)
order_2 = ("Tamia",1,0)
order_3 = ("Edward",1,1)
print("You need to buy",order_1[-1],"hotdogs")
print("You need to buy",order_2[1],"burgers")
print("You need to buy",order_3[1],"burgers and",order_3[2],"hotdogs")
The first three lines of the program is bug free.
However, the last 3 print statements are not.
(1) The statement to be printed must be in open and close parenthesis
(2) Change the + to comma (,) because the print statement includes integer and string values
(3) Lastly, the tuple items in the last statement must be printed separately