
Answer :


"Phenotype" would mean the two letter combination of traits that make up this trait. For example, heterozygous would be something like "Cc", with the "C" representing a dominant trait and "b" representing a recessive trait.

In this case, the answer would look something like "CC", though I'm not sure the exact letters this question is using. Good luck!

the previous answer is actually incorrect. The answer is that the female will appear to have a cleft chin.

Phenotype is the way a genotype (the letters) is expressed- it's what you're going to see. think flower color P= purple; p=white

genotype phenotype
PP- homo/dominant purple
Pp- heterozygous purple
pp-homo/recessive white

a good way to remember this is phenotype starts with "ph" like photo. it's what you see
genotype starts with "gen" like genetics- it's the actual genetic makeup.