
PROMPT: Does Revenge solve or create problems? EXPLAIN
3-6 sentences and write how it creat problems and include an example to support your answer and link it to your point.

Answer :


 Revenge typically creates more problems. Although revenge may serve as temporary relief, it usually leads to an escalation of conflict. Revenge may also make you feel worse in the long run. Feelings of guilt, or shame and anxiety can develope, and the conflict may still feel unresolved leading to disappointment and frustration.


 You share a friendship with someone. They are spending the night over at your house. After they leave, you realize you're missing valuables. You feel an overwhelming sense of betrayal, and a desire to seek revenge. So, you in turn steal some of their valuables. You get into a conflict with your friend, which only gets escalated due to your actions. You break off the friendship, and move on. But, feelings of disappointment and shame creep up. The conflict still feels unresolved, and by taking revenge, it only made things worse.

 That is why revenge isn't a good way to cope with conflict. When we get revenge, we can no longer trivialize the situation. Instead, we're more likely to dwell on it. Instead of providing closure, it keeps wounds open and fresh.