
Answer :

Answer:Long ago, in a large and busy city, there lived three brothers. The brothers names were John, George, and Paul. Together the brothers rented an apartment in the city. They were supposed to pay for the rent and food costs equally. John, the eldest, said ¨ We should get jobs to pay for rent. ¨ So the three brothers agreed and went out to do interviews. John went to work at a bakery. He was very good at his job and made lots of money. Now George and Paul were not as lucky as John in finding a job, so John said ¨ I will pay the rent this month since I have earned enough at my new job at the bakery.¨ ¨ Thank you!,¨ exclaimed George and Paul. George, the middle brother, who was now very determined to help his brother pay for rent went out again to find a job. He went to two different offices and had no success, so he gave it one more try. ¨ You know what they say,¨ sighed George, disheartened by the two previous failures ¨ the third time's the charm.¨ He went into the office, got interviewed, and got hired on the spot! George ran home as fast as he could and told John now he could help pay the rent for this month as well! George was very good at his job and made lots of money. Paul, the youngest brother, saw his brothers both making a lot of money and decided that they could pay for the apartment for the three of them. He lied and said ¨ Now I will go out to find a job.¨ He walked around the block until he saw his brothers leave for work, went back into the apartment, and ordered a pizza. He kept this up for a month until, one day, as George was walking home with John, he went to throw away the pizza boxes that had accumulated. George exclaimed ¨ This is what you have been doing instead of finding a job to help with rent!¨ ¨Enough is enough,¨ said John ¨ pack your things and go!¨ Paul was shocked. His decision to not find a job and sit on the couch all day left him with no home, no food, and no dignity. Paul tried to apologize, but it was to late. He started to cry, packed his things and left. Paul went out and had to beg on the streets. He had tried to get a job but when they saw how long he had been unemployed they turned down. Job after job, interview after interview, it still led to no avail. Paul resided on a street corner to bed. His home was now a cardboard box, he had no money to order pizza, and he was cold. Now, years later, he wished he never made the decision to let his brothers do all of the work to get the rent. His laziness got its reward. The lazy man goes to bed hungry.

Essay writing is given to students in order to test their writing skills.

and knowledge of a topic.

How to write an essay?

Based on the information given, the way to write the essay will be given. Firstly, it's important to decide on your topic. On this case, it's a story that illustrates that a lady man goes to bed hungry.

Research should be done on the topic and create an essay outline. Set your argument in the introduction and develop it with evidence.

Finally, check the content, grammar, formatting, and spelling, of your essay.

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