
1. Create an organizer that summarizes a) the main
terms of Treaty 6, and b) its effects on the First

2. Visit the Web site of the Confederacy of Treaty 6
First Nations. Create a visual or a series of
visuals to summarize the initiatives that these
nations are making today in fields such as
health, education, and economic development.

1 Create An Organizer That Summarizes A The Main Terms Of Treaty 6 And B Its Effects On The First Nations 2 Visit The Web Site Of The Confederacy Of Treaty 6 F class=

Answer :



a) main terms of Treaty 6:

- First Nations were to keep their right to hunt, trap, and fish

- Annual payments of $5 - $25 given to Chiefs, headmen and other members of band.

- Medicine Chest provided to First Nations leaders

- Relief in times of disaster/emergency such as pestilence or famine

- A school and education on the reserve

- "newcomers" would receive access to territories

b) effects:

There was some misunderstanding about the treaty. The Indigenous signatories did not believe they were to entirely surrender their land to federal govt. Their understanding was of a sharing of land and resources. Treaty has led to modern lawsuits for the protection of rights provided by treaty.





Je peux pas répondre à la question 2 sur ce site mais j'espère que cette réponse pourra un peu t'aider ... dis moi si ça ne suffit pas. Sinon, bonne chance!
