Answer :
Answer: In the distance i saw a shimmering light... Then darkness hit.
The water continued to drown me, and i thrashed against the waves. Fear took control and the cold paralyzed me and my thoughts. I was stuck.
Nothing i did could save me, so i did what any normal person in my situation would do...
I panicked.
I swam to the surface attempting to evade the depth trying to reach for the shimmering light. Knowing it was my gateway to air and life. Finally breaking through the surface, I managed a gasp. Then, the ocean sucked me under its dark surface once more. I fought, i struggled and used every bit of my energy to survive, my lungs on the brink of exploding. My vision growing dimmer "help" I thought desperately no help came. Once more, i kicked my way to the surface and pushed open the water with my hands. resurfacing and bobbing in the water. I tried to yell "HEL-" I sputtered and coughed, water escaping my lungs. The sun was glinting off the waves, i started to swim. I swam as far as i could go, seeing no clue of life or land in the vast horizon my eyes could see. I turned. A large blue wave lined in white foam cam crashing down, I expected to die, for my life force to be drained. I started to cave in. Begging God to let death come quickly. Knowing that drowning was never a quick death, that perhaps, god would show a small morsel or mercy on me. The darkness over took me once and for all.
Then....i woke up.
Explanation: I hope this helps, i wasn't sure what to type so i just winged it. It's 272 words, i hope that's alright.