
Write sentences in Spanish 2 possible ways.
1. I have to brush my teeth
2. She is going to lie down
3. They are going to cut their hair
4. He is going to shave his face
5. She has to get dressed
6. They have to wake up early
7. He is going to shower
8. I need to wash my face
9. We prefer to get up late
10. He needs to put on his shoes

Answer :


1 tengo que cepillarme los dientes

2. Ella se va a la cama

3. Se van a cortar el pelo

4. Le va a afeitar la cara

5. ella tiene que vestirse

6. Tienen que levantarse temprano

7. Se va a duchar

8. Necesito lavarme la cara

9. Preferimos levantarnos tarde

10. Necesita ponerse los zapatos.


Hope this helps :)