
Order the words and the entire sentence in present perfect. Change the verb forms if it is necessary. Example: yet / homework / they / their / have not / finish They have not finished their homework yet. a) start the sentence with a capital letter. b) finish the sentence with a period ( . ) or question mark ( ? ), depending on the exercise. c) do not use contractions. bank you have to yet be the? *

Answer :


Have you been to the bank yet?


The present perfect tense is used to talk about past actions that took place at an indefinite time in the past or to talk about actions that started in the past but are not finished.

The structure for this tense is:

Affirmative: subject + have + past participle --> I have been to Mexico.

Negative: subject + have + not + past participle --> Erica has not cooked dinner.

Interrogative: have + subject + past participle --> Have John and Laura talked to you?

The words "already", "yet", and "never" are commonly used with this tense:

- I have never seen anything like this.