
2.a .state the major components
of the solar system. [6mrks]
b. outline three characteristics
each of the following planets:
i. earth ii .mercury iii .Jupiter.
whvia putangideradaan

Answer :


2) a - sun, moon, planets, stars, asteroids, comets and meteoroids

b) Earth has atmosphere, water and life, Jupiter has rings and is made up of hydrogen and helium and mercury is the smallest and second densest planet of solar system



a) Major components of Solar system are star, the Sun,, nine planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, dwarf planets such as Pluto), several moons, and millions of asteroids, comets and meteoroids

b) Three characteristics of earth are as follows -

- It has oxygen in its atmosphere

- 75% of earth is made up of water

- It supports life

Three characteristics of Jupiter are as follows -

- It is made up of hydrogen gas and helium gas

- It is covered in thick red, brown, yellow and white clouds

- It has ring

Three characteristics of Mercury are as follows -

- It is the smallest planet of the solar system

- It is the second densest planet

- It has a molten core