
Help please! English assignment due NOW!
Which sentences from the text are relevant to Lowry’s main claim that flappers are bad for society? Select two options.
Answer choices for the above, question select 2 from the 5 listed below.

1: “And curiously, the more they engage in this exotic sport of poaching, the less keen they become about owning a property for somebody else to poach on.”

2: “They are even insisting on being taken along on the parties, which, by all the rules of Rolf and Comstock should be confined to man's double life.”

3: “And so the ‘good woman’ handed over intact to her weaker sister every beautifier that the world had been eight thousand years accumulating.”

4: “All may have been artificial below the neck, from our Gossard corsets with their phalanx of garters on to our hobble skirts.”

5: “Even in dour Cromwellian England, rouge registered the wrong politics but not immorality.”