
Answer :

Answer: The current book I am reading is Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow, so I will use that.

In Chapter 7 from the biography, “Alexander Hamilton”, by Ron Chernow, it discusses Hamilton’s love life while an aide to Washington, (which is it’s primary focus,) while also detailing the Benedict Arnold and John Andre conflict & Hamilton’s wishes to lead a battalion, which resulted in his temporary resignation from the aide position. One quote that stood out to me in this chapter was the fact that Hamilton did not desire a father son relationship or even a friendship with Washington. He states in one letter to Philip Schuyler that he has “felt no friendship for him and have professed none.” This is quite shocking to me, as Washingdad is a popular meme within the Hamilton fandom, and the fact that Hamilton did not initially desire this shocks me. Chernow also writes, “Washington had generously offered to make amends, but the hypersensitive young man was determined to teach the commander in chief a stern lesson…” This also, quite frankly, shocks me to some extent, but I am also not surprised. This was Hamilton’s personality after all, but the fact that he would do that at Washington shocks me. Overall, this is one quote from “The Lovesick Colonel” that shocks me.



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Damon is Stefan's amoral, malevolent elder brother. ... Personality wise, Damon is described to be sinister, dangerous, generally unkind, uncaring, cold hearted, ruthless and unsympathetic. Some of Damon's other basic personality traits include sadistic, unmerciful, remorseless, careless, cruel, arrogant and impulsive. also his "true" love broke his heart he dosent really like showing his true side and then he marrys the women he loves