
The number of manatee deaths along the Florida coast was recorded each year from 1977 to 1990. Below is a regression printout for number of deaths versus number of boats for each of the 14 years. Which of the following would give a 95% confidence interval for the slope of the regression line?Regression AnalysisThe regression equation isDeaths = - 41.4 + 0.125 BoatsPredictorCoefStdevt-ratiopConstant-41.4307.412-5.590.000Boats0.124860.012909.680.000s = 4.276 n = 15 R-sq = 88.6% R-sq(adj) = 87.7%0.125± 2.160(.013)0.125± 2.145(.013)0.125± 2.179(.013)0.125± 2.179(4.276)0.125± 2.145(4.276)