
Answer :

Answer: poems are to express your views in an artistic way or so . So when you are writing a poem on summer instead of pressuring yourself to be artistic look st small details about summer , how do you feel about , those small details which u don’t give much importance to normally. Feel the heat , glory of the sun , how it makes your life great or miserable or both , day to day life , or do you have a secret in summer or memorable experience in summer . You can add that all .
For example :(mine-but just wanted to give an idea)
Glory of the sun seethes me ,
Making me feel alive .

Or :(found this one on internet)
Mornings soft air , touching everything with such care ,
Caresses a young face in a quiet , secluded place.
Smile planted strong , Herat beating on.
Only one thing is on her mind , and that is