
Answer :



My favorite character is Star-fire because Star-fire is a very girly character, she's the most feminine of the group, she cares about beauty, fashion and cooking, she is also very pacifistic and tries to befriend as many people as she can, she is also very easily grossed out and is hopeful romantic, particularly with her teammate Robin.

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Personally my favorite cartoon is Lilo and Stitch. I grew up with the movies and I was absolutly Lilo and Stitch obsessed. One moment that really stood out to me was when  being transported Stitch escapes and steals a space ship and activates the hyper drive which sends Stitch hurling towards Earth to Hawaii. I would sit in front of the TV screen rewatching this part over and over again amazed at how such a little creature could do such a big thing. As a child i was always the smallest person when it came to my family and friends so this scene had such an impact on me. It inspired me and showed me that despite being a kid i could accomplish great things. To this day i still have my stitch stuffed animal that sleeps on my bed with me every night.